Deadlines are closing in. Emails demanding attention keep coming. Stress is building…Sound familiar? Fast-paced, high-stakes projects tend to be a stress-induced blur, and it’s easy to feel frantic and frazzled. Enter: mindfulness.
Mindfulness isn’t all about sitting in a pretzel position and chanting “om.” It’s about being present, focused, and clear-headed right when you need it the most. Luckily, by integrating a few simple practices, you can apply mindfulness techniques to your project and navigate alternate realities with grace.
Start Your Day With Intention
Before you work, take a few moments to set an intention. Spend 5–10 minutes meditating on the breath or visualizing your objectives.
Ask yourself: what is the most important thing I want to get done today? Setting an intention will help you to be present and focused on what actually matters. It’s like giving your mind a map to work from so you don’t feel as lost or panicked.
Take Mindful Breaks
No matter how many of those you have, you can still take short, focused breaks and reset your brain and your body. For example, step outside, go for a walk, stand still, and breathe mindfully for 60 seconds. And if you have a hot tub, go sit in there for 10–15 minutes. The warm water and the bubbling jets will all help your body relax and help you think more clearly.
Practice Single-Tasking
Most of us take a multitasking approach to our days because we don’t feel as though we have a choice. But it frequently makes our efforts ineffective and stressful, leaving us prone to errors and burnout. Single-tasking to the rescue!
That task you’re doing? Focus on that and that alone. Don’t try to do anything else at the same time. If your focus starts to get pulled away, simply note that to yourself and bring it back. You’ll get the job done more quickly, with less tension.
Incorporate Mindful Movement
The more challenging the job, the more likely you are to experience your body mirroring your mind — shoulders clenched, jaw tight, taking shallow breaths. And moving your body mindfully can help disperse some of that tension.
Try some simple stretches, a little yoga, or a mini-workout. If you have a hot tub, get in and enjoy a few stretches; it will increase flexibility and also provide the mental boost of stress relief.
Use Technology to Your Advantage
Mindfulness apps such as Headspace or Calm can help you with short meditations for people who don’t have all day to meditate. Schedule breaks for yourself… either just to take a breath or 5 minutes before your meeting.
Stopping and taking a moment will help prevent that tension from building up and help you stay even-keeled throughout the day.
Create a Calm Workspace
A clean desk allows for a clear mind. Give yourself a few minutes to organize before the project gets underway.
Include personal items on your desk, such as a small plant, essential oils, or a picture that makes you smile. Reflecting back on that peace can help you stay calm and, in turn, more productive.
Reflect and Recharge
Wind down your productive day. Reflect. What did you do well? What could you have done better?
Write it out, or silence your mind. Release your day, and relax and unwind in your hot tub. Soak. Breathe. Let go. Fill your mind and body with pure, restful relaxation.